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Best UI for yearn! Discover highest earning vaults, access historical APY and TVL, track your returns and learn from other investors.


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Problem Statement

With Wido we want to make DeFi accessible to everyone. And we want to start with yearn.finance.Wido is a UI on top of yearn. It lists all yearn vaults with rich information such as historical APY or TVL that makes it easier for people to discover and pick the right vault for them.Wido also allows you to track your yearn vault investment performance, see the ROI and how much gas have you spent.On top of that, Wido leverages social in order to make the experience even better. This way, people can learn from other people and their experience with yearn. This increases trust and understanding. It's also great for discovery. People can explore which vaults others use and how much do they make on them. They use that information for their own investment decisions.Wido is just starting with yearn. We are starting with yearn because we know the product, the community and we think we can improve it a lot. Once we nail yearn, we will add other protocols like Compound, Aave or Maker. All of this in parallel with exploring social and leveraging blockchain data to make the experience even better.


The UI is built inside Bubble.io, which is a no-code tool that communicates with our backend.Our backend is running in Google Cloud. It's a python code that talks to various endpoints.It leverages web3 and infura to communicate with Ethereum.It also uses Alchemy and Covalent to get rich blockchain data.We are using The Graph for yearn historical data. This is built and maintained by a guy from Yearn community.We are also using yearn-exporter, tool built by Yearn community to calculate APY on their vaults.We are looking to open source our backend code for calculating the historical APY since many people expressed their interest in such code. We are talks with Yearn core team as they are also interested in the historical APY code we have built.


HackMoney 2021