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A public billboard where users can vote there favourite Ads using Quadratic formula . It is powered by world Id to prevent sybil resistance.


WorldAds screenshot 1
WorldAds screenshot 2
WorldAds screenshot 3
WorldAds screenshot 4

Problem Statement

Users can set up their billboards , where other humans can vote for there favorite Ad, by paying some cost. Cost is determined uniquely for every user and it depends how many times does he have voted for the same Ad. As the user votes for a particular Ad, the cost increases dramatically. To prevent sybil resistance to vote cheaply on the same Ad, we use WorldCoin, where only unique humans can vote on the Ads. Thereby , the game will be fair at all times.The Ad which receives the highest votes will get the most space on the screen .This build was inspired by Vitalik's articles on Quadratic Attention Payments.


We used Nextjs + wagmi for the boilerplate. For uploading the Ads, we used IPFS/Filecoin to upload our ads Permanently. To ensure sybil resistance, we used Worldcoin' s worldId. We deployed our contracts on polygon Mumbai.This idea can be made to production level I think . This way people could jsut start their own billboards easily and users can also just know, which things ar are most trending


ETHOnline 2022



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    🏊 Worldcoin — Pool Prize
