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Writemon is the experiment on Web 3, where you get rewarded with Writemon[pokemon + write !] NFTs based on how much you write and how often you write.

Problem Statement

I have always wanted to make an interactive game like Pokemon , where we could get incentivised to write and do something productive while also having loads of Fun. Writemon is the experiment on Web 3, where you get rewarded with Writemon NFTs based on how much you write and how often you write. We believe Writing is an essential skill that acts like an invaluable tool for all modern day white collar work. We hope that you find this game fun and help spread the utility of web3 to others well.Long term Vision: Write mon came together as a vision to incentivize users to learn, practice and enjoy writing. One of the best ways to add a layer of Incentives is to add NFTs based on your writing and achievement.What do we want to do in the future -> We want to expand write mon , add lots of variability in each writemon , Add in the Grammarly text editor API to help better reward our players with better rewards based on word use , grammar , originality. With the future being filled with AI copywriters such as GPT-3 , we hope to be the lighthouse that will continue to encourage human-writing with the help of a reward loop. We eventually hope to partially monetize [i.e freemium ] , by building up a larger story , better quests and a NFT Marketplace [built on polygon] to make profits. We would also like to use Open Sea Apis to integrate without apps so users can directly buy or sell Writemon from their Opensea account.


The project uses React front end application with Moralis API for authentication. We have used React Quill library for the text editor. Every user who meets the criteria of writing certain number of words will get a reward as an NFT. The NFT is first minted using the smart contract deployed on the Polygon Mumbai testnet (through Alchemy) is transferred to the user's address using the Moralis API. NFT images are stored on IPFS through the Pinata NFT service.


NFTHack 2022

