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zero-knowledge know-your-customer and personhood proof soulbound token


ZK KYC SBT screenshot 1
ZK KYC SBT screenshot 2
ZK KYC SBT screenshot 3

Problem Statement

First-ever noncustodial privacy-preserving legal compliance for onboarding and defi. A customer uploads an image with their id or uses worldcoin app. Provers look at the driver's license and prove attributes, such as the federal state. Provers generate ZK proof and bind it to the customer's wallet address. When a customer would like to use an onboarding service or a defi product that are limited to certain states, those companies look at the customer's SBT and verify which state the customer belongs to so that the transactions are automatically complient.


we modified ERC721 by adding bounding functionality, used semaphore library for client-side creation of proof and on-chain verification, used worldcoin SDK for personhood proof, stored data on web3.storage and IPFS. wallet connect and rainbow. to deal with wallets. we planned to use privy for whitelisting access to photos of driving license, UMA or chainlink to have provers as oracles that vote,


ETHNewYork 2022



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