Chainsquare ranks and rewards addresses based on their on-chain activity to incentivize users to do more. Every address will mint an NFT with their ranks. And the top 3 in each category will automatically receive a medal NFT.

Problem Statement
Chainsquare is a social competition designed to recognize and reward users doing the most important thing in crypto: being active on-chain. For crypto to succeed long term, we need to 100x on-chain activity, and we need to start now. Chainsquare is a catalyst for that future.When a user arrives on our landing page, they are asked to connect their wallet. Once we have their wallet address, we’ll evaluate their on-chain activity across a few different categories:How many different EVM chains have they transacted on?How many transactions have they done on testnet?This is a proxy for are you building and trying things to do on-chain.Who has the newest address with a transaction?This a proxy for two thingsAre new users coming on-chain and doing things?Are existing users preserving privacy by using new addresses for new situations?We defined these categories based on behaviors we think are important for the growth and usage of Ethereum. It's not just about who makes the most transactions or how value they transact with. It's about creating a more interactive, participative, and rewarding blockchain experience.Once we evaluate the address’ on-chain activity, we’ll present them with an NFT that they can mint that has all their summarized info. This NFT lives on the Gnosis Chain.We’ll also use the summarized info to rank each address in each category. This is where the social competition comes into play. The top 3 in each category will have a medal NFT automatically transferred to their address. Every time the rankings change, a smart contract will automatically transfer the medal NFT to the new top 3. The owners of these medal NFTs have distinguished themselves as users who are committed to an on-chain future. We envision a world in which having one of these medals unlocks access and opportunities that others will want. This will spur others to be more active on-chain as well.Unlock a new dimension of blockchain engagement with Chainsquare, where every transaction counts, every interaction matters, and every participant wins. Join us in this exciting journey and let your on-chain activity be your ticket to a more rewarding blockchain experience.
We’re using NextJS and React on the front-end to build the user experience. We’re using the Unlock Protocol wallet, powered by wagmi to allow users to connect to the dApp and mint the NFT.When a user connects their wallet, we make an API call to our backend service to pull the data on that address. We pull transaction data from a number of EVM chains, including ETH Waterloo Partners Gnosis Chain and Polygon. Both chains have a rich transaction history that is important for us to use to calculate an accurate score and rank.Once we’ve summarized the data we’ve pulled, we create an NFT with this data that the user can mint. This NFT lives on the Gnosis Chain.The medal NFTs also live on Gnosis chain and are powered by the Unlock Protocol. Each category that we evaluate an address on has a lock, and each lock has 3 keys: Gold, Silver, and Bronze. The lock is responsible automatically transferring the keys amongst addresses as ranks change.
ETHGlobal Waterloo
- julien51
18 contributions
- kalidiagne
11 contributions
- ChialiT
4 contributions