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Climate Warriors


Climate Warriors team up to fight for the planet. Join as an Amazon Defender or Coal Crusher today!


Climate Warriors screenshot 1
Climate Warriors screenshot 2
Climate Warriors screenshot 3

Problem Statement

Climate Warriors is an incentives-aligned game for DeFi users to make money and defend the planet.Users can participate by locking in USDC to the smart contract. The smart contract earns a yield from AAVE. When a user withdraws, they can choose a % of their earned yield to invest in CO2 carbon credit tokens with partners. Partners create NFTs that users can unlock at funding milestones.


We lock user funds into AAVE for yield generation. We planned on deploying to the Matic network.We use React, TypeScript, and Chakra UI on the frontend.Tree icon by ani rofiqah, ID from The Noun Project.We're total noobs at Web3 but we have hearts! So our project isn't technically complex but we have grand visions.


HackMoney 2021

