An easy way to get NFT as a gift (even if you have not wallet)

Problem Statement
Before Hack, we had experience working with NFT, and we realized that people often buy NFT to resell it.To make NFT market strong, we need to come up with some kind of strong collect use case. But why do people need to collect NFT?Once we met an example in real life: one woman wanted to buy an artwork of a famous artist as a gift to her boss. Neither the boss nor the woman understood anything about the crypt, but the artwork had to be presented. We realized that there is a demand for gifts in the NFT and created an easy way to receive such gifts. This may be needed not only by ordinary people, but also by companies and charitable foundations, and various NFT agencies and Gamers.Our solution consists of two parts: special smart contract and backend. The key point in contract is that only smart contract will be granted to make transfer, thus, centralized part remains trustless. The backend denies all permissions to transfer to wrong address and only proxies special password to the smart contract to perform transfer checking password hashBackend consists of js blockchain callers (here we use rarible ERC721ABI and wrapper of self-implemented "safeTransferFrom" method) and local database to track & match pending gifts. Client part uses pure js code.
Solution: our solution consists of two parts: special smart contract and backend. The key[ки] point is that only smart contract will be granted to make transfer, so centralized part remains trustless[трастлес]. The backend denies all transfer permissions to wrong address and smart contract perform transfer by checking password from receiver.Backend consists of javascript blockchain callers (here we use rarible nftABI and rarible wrapper of "safeTransferFrom" method) and local database to track & match pending gifts. Client part uses only javascript code. (an example of a fully worked out scenario (contract))
ETHOnline 2021
- AlcibiadesCleinias
74 contributions
- andreevnanka
6 contributions