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Nines is a cross-chain NFT game where NFTs from different chains come together in bands of 9 NFTs and challenge each other for low or high stakes.

Problem Statement

Nines is a cross-chain NFT game where NFTs from different chains come together in bands of 9 NFTs and challenge each other for low or high stakes.The VisionNFTs from multiple chains join together in teams of 9(Trusted) Registrar validates ownershipWhen a team reaches 9 members, each member gets an NFT (ERC1155)Members deposit a stakeNines are mini DAOsProposals to challenge other DAOs, to respond or retreat.Lose portion of stake if retreat or challenge lost


How it was madeMoralis NFT api is used to display the user's NFT from the chose chainthe chosenNFT is sent to a (trusted/centralized) server, which validates the claimed ownership (also using Moralis NFT api). Once validated, the registrar registers the NFT with the nines smart contract (currently Polygon Mumbai).the user can then choose to create a Nine or join an existing Nine. A transaction is required for either.once a Nine reaches 9 members, and ERC1155 NFT is minted (a 9 of 9) and sent to each member automatically


NFTHack 2022



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