Web3 escrow service to pay influencers for completed work in web2. Eliminate fraud from influencer marketing with help of web3 technologies.

Problem Statement
Bringing trustless interactions from web2 to web3We cover:Escrow serviceInfluencer managementProblem: fraud is seen as a standard risk with influencer marketing (~15% of the $10b industry)Our solution consists of:Web app to make offers & claim rewardsOracle to verify tweetsWeb3 escrow contractExample use case:Choose target influencer, target text and bountyInfluencer posts with desired textInfluencer claims rewardOracle proves that post existInfluencer gets paidHow we built it: React web app with Moralis, ethereum-boilerplate and ethers.js to send transactions. Deployed escrow smart-contract on Polygon Mumbai testnet. Oracle: open-source twitter API scraper, that checks influencer post. In next iterations we want to make it truly decentralized trustless messenger that repeatedly scrapes twitter through dVPNChallenges we ran into: It`s hard to achieve decentralization in 3 daysAlso, we`re using NFTPort to mint done influencer work. Those NFTs plays role of Proof of Work Done.
How we built it:React web app with Moralis for fast prototyping, ethereum-boilerplate and ethers.js to send transactions. Deployed escrow smart-contract with hardhat on Polygon Mumbai testnet. Oracle: open-source twitter API scraper, that checks influencer post. In next iterations we want to make it truly decentralized trustless messenger that repeatedly scrapes twitter through dVPNChallenges we ran into:It`s hard to achieve decentralization in 3 daysAlso, we`re using NFTPort to mint done influencer work. Easy minting - truly super simple. Those NFTs plays role of Proof of Work Done.