Sell invoices at a discount and get paid in crypto right now! We aim to offer a decentralized invoice factoring service. Safe, secure, and encrypted storage !

Problem Statement
To facilitate on-chain infrastructure such that any Small business can upload their verified invoice from a verified Enterprise and get paid instantly circumventing the credit period This essentially frees up the much needed operating capital for these small businesses.We made a flutter android ios cross platform app.Small businesses find it extremely difficult to acquire loans at a reasonable interest rate or are often rejected because of a non existent credit history. Operating Capital is locked up due to business practices where Invoices are paid at a delay which in turn prevents business from operating at the fullest potential. Risk minimized investment opportunities are hard to come by in the DeFi ecosystem. Because the services are provided ahead of time the real world risk it poses to the investors are minimized.Right now the project is essentially a collection of partially deployed smart contracts. But if implemented properly , with the right mentorship and with the correct team, this simple , DAO smart contract has the potential to serve millions of users. I believe once the first few businesses are onboarded and a positive cycle is completed this positive feedback loop will bring more customers in. This particular project I dont believe is about mass online marketing. Polygonscan can be our best displayed performance metrics , emphasizing on the transparency I believe in the potential of the project to process invoices , transactions and cohesively operate in the DeFi Ecosystem , while creating millions in value for all users involved.
We faced challenges uploading files to IPFS and concerns of privacy. We used a lighthouse to solve this problem We are running into challenges while taking the final build of our Flutter Android Ios Cross platform Mobile applications.Web3-Flutter-Dart Librabries are pertty much unsupported and poorly documented. But we are powering through it. This is why the video of the android app is missing.Improving the design on the ERC-721 Invoice NFT smart contract. Design and build the membership ERC-721 NFT. Algorithm to calculate a diminishing supply factor. Building a specialized NFT Marketplace to trade ERC-721 Invoice NFT. Extending the KenobiDAO smart contract to a fully functional DAO with hybrid governance. Improve Rewards system logic for the Liquidity Providers/Investors. Mechanism to verify uploaded invoices. Optimizing security of the DAO smart contract. Refining the ERC-20 Governance token of the DAO.Finalizing between an ERC-20 based Voting system vs ERC-721voting system for governance. Staking functionalities for the Membership NFTs as means for external exposure. Mechanism to decrease risk exposure for acquired NFTs by the DAO through Fractionalizing. Simple Production grade Frontend application in react and scaffold eth. A Subgraph for the Invoice based NFTs to be deployed on The Graph protocols as a hosted service
ETHIndia 2022
- 0xgeorgemathew
7 contributions