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WatchMyNFT is the NFT Apple Watch Face generator app supported by OpenSea. Create your own watch face with your NFT in seconds. NFT is no more just a in-browser’s item!

Problem Statement

WatchMyNFT is the NFT Apple Watch Face generator app that improves the user experience of owning NFT. NFT is no more just a in-browser’s item.One of the biggest problems arround NFT is that viewing NFT in laptop, smartphone, or tablet's browser is not enough to satisfy the experience for ownership. It's not wise way to save jpegs of your own NFTs from metadata servers and set it as the top screen of your smartphone though people do that. We'd like to be more clever about showing the NFTs we have, and it must be fun to see them up close in the real world. WatchMyNFT definitely solves the problem by utilizing the smartwatch devices that we wear on a daily routine.WatchMyNFT is an app that allows you to display our NFT on our AppleWatch. We can choose one of our favorite ones from our NFT collection and register it to Watch Face to see it on a device that is more closely related to real world life. We will be able to feel more familiar with NFT in our daily life and satisfy the experience to owning NFTs.We believe that the more NFT are applied in real life, the more NFT as well as the entire blockchain ecosystem will surely grow.


WatchMyNFT is the NFT Watch interface generator iOS app for Apple Watches. Our MVP product consists of three parts.The first is the iOS app that connects Ethereum Wallet, calls our API to get the list of assets, chooses which NFT to be used as the watch face, and connects with Apple Watch to send the generated NFT Watch Face.The second is the NFT Watch Face on the Apple Watch that is generated by the iOS App.The Last is the API that is running on our GCP Cloud Run instances. Our API is implemented in Nodejs and uses OpenSea Assets API (https://docs.opensea.io/reference/getting-assets) to aggrigate NFT.OpenSea's Retrieving assets API is really simple and easy to use with Nodejs and we succeeded in making our API more scallable by building it on GCP Cloud Run. But most hacky thing in this project is Watch Face App. Because Apple itself does not open the details of Apple Watch Face app, we did it in some hacky way.We are impressed that with OpenSea API we are easily able to create NFT related mobile native apps while most of NFT projects are web apps and realized that we should find more ways to use any NFT not only in our laptop, or smartphone 's browser but also on another devices in the real world.


NFTHack 2022



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    🥇 Best use of OpenSea
