12110+ Web3 Hackathon Projects

Discover blockchain projects from ETHGlobal, Encode, Chainlink and more


Kaomoji NFT minted from a dao proposal and auctioned to the community

๐Ÿ† (Zora Prize Pool)๐Ÿ† 2nd place (Best use of ParaSwap)
ETHOnline 2021 โ€ข 2021


A simple desktop wallet build with javascript react electron filcoin wallet with support to web3storage

๐Ÿ† (Protocol Labs Pool Prize)
HackFS 2021 โ€ข 2021


frak-a-sat enables DeFi users to own fractionalised synths of space object IDs depending on their risk appetite.

HackMoney 2021 โ€ข 2021


fundPool is a web3 kickstarter, that allows you to fundraise for projects by lazy minting NFTs and fractionalizing the ownership across the contributors when fund goals are met.

HackMoney 2021 โ€ข 2021


creating a blockchain based notary service with final document minted to nfts. Native token reward system.

๐Ÿ† (Protocol Labs Pool Prize)๐Ÿ† (Unlock Protocol Pool Prize)
HackFS 2021 โ€ข 2021


A decentralized text differencing and change tracking tool to compare immutable versions of text. Built for journalists and publishers in an effort to foster transparency in corrections, retractions and updates made to published pieces. Think of git diffs, but for articles.

๐Ÿ† (Protocol Labs Pool Prize)
HackFS 2021 โ€ข 2021

just some geeks

Bridging Enzyme and Balancer Protocols with Panache!

๐Ÿ† (Pocket Network Pool Prize)๐Ÿ† 1st Place (Enzyme)๐Ÿ† (Chainlink Pool Prize)๐Ÿ† (Best use of Balancer)
ETHOnline 2021 โ€ข 2021

p2p game

p2p game(tic-tac-toe) using libp2p, stores game data on web3.storage.

๐Ÿ† (Protocol Labs Pool Prize)
HackFS 2021 โ€ข 2021


Passbird is a metamask fork that lets users sign into dApps using a magic link.

ETHOnline 2021 โ€ข 2021


A one-of-a-kind set of NFTs whose holders can participate in a global, collaborative art project. Each NFT gives you the right to draw on a region of a shared canvas. You can also resell your NFTs to other users.

HackMoney 2021 โ€ข 2021

rBLKc (Random Black Card)

rBLKc (Random Black Card) is an experiment in achieving fairness through randomised ownership using DeFi and NFTs.

ETHOnline 2021 โ€ข 2021


Supersaiyan is a decentralised platform that allows anyone to create a subscription service on ethereum in a just few clicks.

HackMoney 2021 โ€ข 2021
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