Discover blockchain projects from ETHGlobal, Encode, Chainlink and more
A task assignment system that rewards with NFTs (built with educational institutions in mind). Teachers can assign Tasks and create NFTs to be rewarded on completion. Students report done, and win NFTs.
Humanely framed memes, stuffed, and mounted on a wall to decorate your meta-home (Your Twitter Banner).
Archive social media platforms to decentralized storage networks
Teacher Bai's Friend publish XB NFT on Opensea and create its minting Dapp to optimize minting experience for Bat's Friend to interact with Xiao Shan Cat in metaverse.
Teampod Finance is a platform meant to create a close segment of nodes financially networked in a circle of friends, families, workmates and partners.
An audit tool to find proof of liability and proof of reserve
Claim your land on our decentralized network to avoid any disputes!
Only for testing
Combining Dune and Observablehq, "Tether Insights" describes uncommon insights from analyzing the tether stable coin.
A on-chain career proof protocol generating Non-transferrable NFT with comments from oneโs colleague. After logging in with Metamask, people can leave comments for their teammates. Everyone can generate an NFT in which comments and oneโs role in the team are written.
Quick setup for defi projects, to build on and create a wonderful daap.
The Encrabment is an auto-generated work of art composed of layers of text, graphics and music that will combine to form a unique story.