Discover blockchain projects from ETHGlobal, Encode, Chainlink and more
Global Government - Digital Economy - New Social Contract - New World Order
We are creating an Dapp for people to mint the papers / scientific ideas ( as an way to support the author and references ) and then using the merkle distributor mechanism to pay to all the contributors , the proceeds of the bid of that given token
Greenearth NFT is animal and plant photos of the Metaverse Original: take photos of animals and plants with mobile phone chip + cloud storage + app, record time, geographical location and digital ID of photos on the blockchain, and solve the original problem of NFT Scientific r
A dapp where users can send a NFT of Greeting Card to someone via email
We're building a visualisation app for block-chain data. It mainly uses APIs from the Vega protocol and the subgraph from Enzyme.
A trading, battle & savings card card. NFT cards backed by Defi savings.
Develop a very simple to use and understand dashboard that manages all your DeFi investments. The platform is cross chain and includes different assets , different transactions (borrowing, lending, providing liquidity, etc).
Ethereum estate management and inheritance using smart contracts
User friendly Website for Harmony to access Dune Analytics dashboards as well as exchange data
Heart Drops is an NFT fractionalization platform that inspires a community to donate art, share art ownership, and raise funds for charities.
Think of all the side projects you have worked on and maybe put it to the side or never finished because of a technical snag or a frustrating bug. HelpMeDev is a global & decentralized ecosystem where developers can help developers finish their side projects and side hustles.
HeroicLoot is a top-down 3D rpg game, leveraging Loot NFT's as free starting characters.