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Yes3 is a Q&A based endorsement DApp. The endorsee-centric model lets users ask for endorsements from people they regard as qualified. Endorsements will be recorded on chain and users can display these endorsements as NFTs across all platforms.ร
Support your creators by staking crypto allowing them to receive the interests and receive an NFT as a proof of support
Releases NFT utility tokens that are otherwise locked in secondary markets and liquidity pools
Crypto Casino for Degens. Are you Bullish or Bearish? Put your money where your mouth is.
YomiSwap NFT AMM is an Automated Market Maker protocol for NFTs, a protocol that can ultimately increase the liquidity of NFTs by creating (i) sellers and (ii) buyers plus (iii) liquidity providers in the NFT trading process. Liquidity providers are rewarded for staking NFTs.
Yooci is a blockchain application that utilizes Nfts to store health records that are only accessible to the owner or organizations given access to by the user
Yotaku is the world's first trustless escrow built on Ethereum. Yotaku is maximally configurable and asset-agnostic, allowing for powerful exchange of value.
User and developer friendly NFT bridge.Users can bridge NFT without paying for gas across multiple chains. We enable developers to use multiple messaging protocols with a common interface.
Decentralized advertising marketplace
zk KYC of Aadhar, Driving License and other Documents.
zero-knowledge know-your-customer and personhood proof soulbound token
Generating Succinct ZK Proofs for Content-Generating Machine Learning Models; Proving that AI-Generated content is authentic with ZKML